Ever noticed just how much personality there is on the flavor text for Goblin Magic cards? Nick Wolf looks at the best of the bunch.
Ever noticed just how much personality there is on the flavor text for Goblin Magic cards? Nick Wolf looks at the best of the bunch.
Ajani hasn't always had an easy run of things, and Ciel Collins is here to chronicle the worst five things that ever happened to the big cat.
Modern Horizons has a history of throwbacks and references and immaculate flavor, so Jubilee is here to guide you through the gems of MH3!
Spread the glory of the Phyrexians and infect the Commander table with this Atraxa, Praetors' Voice EDH deck.
What would Kuwasi Balagoon, author of A Soldier's Story: Revolutionary Writings by A New Afrikan Nationalist play if he played Commander?
The characters are boring! The story is contrived! The Magic story was so much better back in my day! So how come it keeps chugging along?
Finally the question is answered: what would Edward Drinker Cope of Bone Wars fame play if he played Commander?
Ciel Collins goes over the history of Magic's most beloved romance: Chandra and Nissa.
Blue is the color of cerebral plays and analysis, and Jace embodies that... most of the time. Is he stupid?
At long last, Charlie and Dan answer the question we've all been asking: what kind of EDH deck would Mayan revolutionary Jacinto Canek play?
Guest author Patrick Germain and Dan wonder: what would Napoleon Bonaparte play if he played Commander?
Let's dig into the story of Garruk. Who is he? Why does he only pop up now and then? Could Wizards have done a better job with his story?
Charlie and Dan answer the age-old question: What if the famous pirate Black Bart Roberts played Commander?
Morgan Sanchez and Jessica Sagahon explore the cultural and historical references from the Lost Caverns of Ixalan in this itemized breakdown.
Quoth the Raven: "Do you pay the one?"
Take your undying love of Shadowheart from Baldur's Gate III and channel it all into a winning Commander deck with this brew from Eliana!
Charlie and Dan answer the question everyone's been asking: what Commander deck would Parisian anarchist Louise Michel play?
Discover an amazing story, some old favorite mechanics and a lot of new surprises in the latest Doctor Who precons.
Want to learn more about the world of Doctor Who? Jubilee has your guide to the story behind these brand-new Commander decks!
Charlie and Dan finally answer the question we’ve all been asking: what if Ada Lovelace played Commander?
Charlie and Dan answer the question: what if the redoubtable Chevaliere d'Eon picked up a commander deck?
What if one of the many slayers of the Beast of Gevaudan dusted off their EDH deck on behalf of the peasantry?
Charlie and Dan answer the question: What would the prolific mathematician Leonhard Euler play if he took up Commander?
What if the Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan played EDH?
Charlie and Dan answer the question: What if the Ukrainian anarchist Nestor Makhno played Commander?
Charlie and Dan answer the question: what if the revolutionary anarchist Maria Nikiforova played Commander?
With the help of Optimus Prime, Justin Fanzo builds another flavorful deck around an American tradition: the 4th of July.
Charlie and Dan answer the question: what if professional jerk and "revolutionary" Vladimir Lenin played EDH?