Wizards Announces Upcoming Reprint-Only Call of Duty Set to Be Reprinted Yearly

Jon Ruggiero • July 17, 2024

Renton, WA - Wizards of the Coast today announced a new Universes Beyond: Call of Duty Magic set. In an attempt to appeal to fans of the popular franchise, the set consists of reprints that will be printed every year.

The small Aftermath-like set, with packs of five cards referencing famous events and characters from the Call of Duty franchise, will still have the MSRP of a full pack of cards.

"We're happy for this new way to monetize Call of Duty," explained the press release put out by Activision Blizzard, the publisher of the Call of Duty franchise. "Sales of the game have been dwindling in recent years due to us denying the reality that we're just putting out terrible sequels that are nothing but glorified DLCs. Now, we have a chance, with this partnership, to continue to make money off of ideas we had years ago and have not evolved.

"Fans of Call of Duty will get the chance to play with favorite characters, like Captain Price, a reskinned Kellan, Daring Traveler, or relive important in-game moments, like the copy of Overwhelming Forces we're printing as No Russian. These card reskins are the closest thing we can come to being creative, so we really hope our fans will enjoy these cards this year and in subsequent years when Wizards prints the same exact cards and we can call them something different."

Though Activision Blizzard will not have to put in much work, Wizards still has a lot to do before release. A spokesperson with the company, however, was excited about the new property under their control.

"This is a major breakthrough for us as a company," said Trent Crosby, WOTC spokesperson and guy who regularly records front-facing videos of himself talking about politics. "We finally have a franchise that forces us to acknowledge and show off real life weapons. I thought we had all we were gonna get in the Fallout cards and random 'magic pistols' from Outlaws of Thunder Junction, but I'm happy that we get to show off our second amendment rights in the art of these new reprints. My bosses told me not to get political, but I can't help but be proud to put out such an American set like Universes Beyond: Call of Duty."

At press time, Wizards confirmed next year's release will just be sleeves you can buy to put on existing cards and pretend they are completely new.

Escape room designer, comedy show host, satire writer; Jon Ruggiero never misses an opportunity to do weird things for money. He's written for Cracked, Hard Times and Hard Drive, and hopes you enjoy what he writes here.